Browser Lifecycle Methods and Events

3 min readJul 31, 2023


In a typical web browser environment, the lifecycle methods of a web page or web application are called at different stages of its existence. Here are the main lifecycle methods in order:

  1. DOMContentLoaded: This event is triggered when the initial HTML document has been completely loaded and parsed, without waiting for stylesheets, images, and subframes to finish loading. It indicates that the document content is ready to be manipulated through JavaScript.
  2. load: The load event is fired when the entire page, including its external resources like stylesheets, images, and scripts, has finished loading. It is called after the DOMContentLoaded event and signifies that the web page is fully rendered and ready for interaction.
  3. beforeunload: This event is fired just before the user is about to leave the page or navigate to a different URL. It allows developers to prompt the user with a confirmation message to prevent accidental loss of data.
  4. unload: The unload event is triggered when the user is leaving the page or the page is being unloaded. This event can be used to perform cleanup tasks or send asynchronous requests to a server before the user navigates away.

Here are some additional lifecycle methods and events that occur during the lifespan of a web page or web application:

  1. beforeDOMContentLoaded: This is not a standard event, but conceptually, it represents the time before the DOMContentLoaded event occurs. It can be used for tasks that need to be performed before the document content is ready, such as setting up event listeners.
  2. DOMContentLoaded (Deferred Scripts): Some scripts may be marked with the defer attribute in the HTML document. The DOMContentLoaded event for these scripts fires when they are executed, which is typically after the document has been parsed. This allows deferred scripts to be executed in the order they appear in the document, but after the DOM is ready.
  3. hashchange: The hashchange event is fired when the URL's hash (the part after the # symbol) changes. It allows developers to create single-page applications with different states based on the URL hash.
  4. resize: The resize event is triggered when the browser window is resized. It can be used to handle responsive design and adjust the layout of elements dynamically.
  5. scroll: The scroll event is fired when the user scrolls the webpage. It is commonly used to implement scroll animations or lazy loading of content.
  6. focus: The focus event is fired when an element receives focus, such as an input field or a button. It is used for handling user interactions with form elements.
  7. blur: The blur event is triggered when an element loses focus. It complements the focus event and is also used in form validation.
  8. input: The input event is fired when the value of an input or textarea element changes. It can be used for real-time form validation or updating elements based on user input.
  9. submit: The submit event is triggered when a form is submitted, either by clicking a submit button or pressing Enter within an input field.

These events are essential for managing the lifecycle of web pages and web applications, allowing developers to control the behavior of their code at different stages of the page’s existence. It’s important to note that different JavaScript libraries and frameworks might have their own lifecycle methods for managing more complex web applications.




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